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Incentive Programs

UWF Recreation offers a variety of fitness incentive programs for all levels to participate in and achieve their fitness and health goals. This page provides information on the incentive programs that are currently being offered. The current programs are offered from January 8 - April 14, 2024.

Argo Fit

Prize and qualification: 30+ visits to win a prize
Argo Fit is a FREE program designed to keep you motivated in having a consistent workout schedule, with at least three workouts per week. After each fitness center workout, you will record your visit with the help of a Fitness Monitor. At the end of the program, your visits will be tallied and you'll receive an email to pick up your prize.

To sign up, ask a Fitness Monitor for assistance.

Cardio Crusade

Prize: Qualifying participants will receive a FREE tank top.
 125 miles
Become part of a new fitness tradition. Cardio Crusade allows you to track distance and push your limits. Miles are to be completed using any machine that tracks mileage: treadmill, bike, elliptical, stair stepper, rower and arc trainer. 

Ask a Fitness Monitor for more information on how to sign up and record every workout.

Argo Weight Club

Prize and qualification: Make it to the 200 lbs, 400 lbs, 600 lbs, 800 lbs, 1000 lbs and 1200 lbs club to win a FREE T-shirt.
The Argo Weight Club is a free program designed to increase your strength and keep you motivated. Weight Club ranking is determined by the total maximum weight lifted in bench press, deadlift and squat by each male or female. Compete to make our 200 lbs, 400 lbs, 600 lbs, 800 lbs, 1000 lbs, 1200 lbs club and our Top 3 overall charts. The top spot will be recognized indefinitely until the record is broken.

Inform an on-duty fitness monitor to try out anytime during the semester.

Contact for more information about any of the programs listed.