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First-Year Composition

Preparing students for reading and writing projects in their University courses.

Hedges spell

而第一年的作文可能是一门服务性课程,其目标是满足学术界的需求, we believe the best way to meet those needs is by teaching critical literacy, that is, teaching students to think, read (listen, view, watch, perceive), and write critically. Within this overarching goal are the following subordinate goals:

  • 为学生在大学课程中的阅读和写作项目做准备.
  • 培养学生在课堂和大学之外的批判性公民意识.

We believe the goals of the larger academic community and, more importantly, 我们共同追求这些目标将最有利于我们的文化和民主. 我们对上述目标的追求将基于对写作的修辞方法和批判性思维技能的发展, reading, and writing, that is, the development of critical literacy, including media and cultural literacies. If literacy means the ability to read and write functionally, 然后,媒介素养和文化素养损害了用文字清晰表达自己的能力,以及批判性地阅读所有文化生产工具所传递的信息的能力, particularly the news and entertainment media.  In practice, 写作项目将基于现实世界的体裁,而不是专门为写作课堂制作的体裁. Writing, whether academic or public, comes from research. 学术写作和最好的公共写作都遵循这一原则,尽管体裁不同. Therefore, 教授合理的研究技巧是必要的,这将由我们对批判性阅读的关注来支持.


  • 民主的最佳维系方式是受过良好教育、见多识广的公众,他们精通批判性的认知和表达方式.
  • 大学生不仅需要为他们的学术生涯做准备,也需要为校园之外的世界做准备. 这种准备工作应包括教授批判性的认识和表达的做法,使他们不仅成为学术界的贡献成员,而且成为民主公众的贡献成员.
  • Composition courses teach not only writing but also critical reading, evaluation, and synthesis of information and ideas.
  • Students learn best to write in real genres by practicing those real genres, 而不是专门为写作教室制造的人工体裁.
  • All good writing, academic or public, is based on sound research.



而第一年的作文可能被视为一门服务课程,其目标是满足学术界的需求, we believe that the best way to meet those needs is by teaching critical literacy, that is, teaching our students to think, read (listen, view, watch, perceive), and write critically. 在这个总体目标中,还有一些次要的目标:1)为一年级作文学生在其他大学课程中的阅读和写作项目做准备;2)为他们在写作课堂和大学之外的批判性公民做准备. We believe that the goals of the larger academic community and, more importantly, 我们共同追求这些目标将最有利于我们的文化和民主.

我们对上述目标的追求将基于对写作的修辞方法和批判性思维技能的发展, reading, and writing, that is, the development of critical literacy, including media and cultural literacies. If literacy means the ability to read and write functionally, 然后,媒介素养和文化素养包括批判性地阅读所有文化生产工具所传递的信息的能力, particularly the news and entertainment media, and to clearly express, in writing, the results of that critical reading activity.

In practice, 写作项目将基于现实世界的体裁,而不是专门为写作课堂制作的体裁. Writing, whether academic or public, comes from research. 学术写作和最好的公共写作都遵循这一原则,尽管体裁不同. Therefore it is essential to teach sound research techniques, which will be supported by our focus on critical reading.

English Composition I

In Composition I, 重点将放在建立学术研究和写作所需的技能上,并向学生介绍学术写作和公共写作之间的关系.

Because there is no such thing as a uniform academic paper, 而是一系列的学术论文,它们的要求和目标是由每个学科决定的, students will learn not how to write that non-existent academic paper, 而是为了学术目的和流派而参与批判性话语的惯例. Our focus will be on teaching research methods, engagement with sources, and what we think of as preparatory writing, leading to a researched argument.

Next, 学生将学习学术和公共写作之间的关系,特别是良好的研究对所有好的写作的重要性, 无论是学术的还是公共的,他们都会开始使用他们的研究来产生与学术体裁相关但又明显不同的公共体裁.

Meanwhile, students begin to develop cultural and media literacies, 特别是ag娱乐官网是如何被文本塑造成政治和社会主体的,这些文本构成了我们所有人都必须沉浸其中的环境.

English Composition II

In Composition II, 学生将更具体地学习如何成为公民评论家:1)更具体地关注公共阅读和写作;2)提高政治和文化素养. 学生们学习知识被纳入或被排除在公共领域之外的方式, develop an understanding of how to participate in civic discourse and activism, as well as the limitations on, opportunities for, 以及美国政治舞台上公民参与的纪律相关方法.

Students build on the skills established in Composition I, doing more focused research, 但现在的目标是创作适合特定写作情境的公共体裁的写作项目.

Several students decorating a car for homecoming
UWF students sitting outside on campus

ENC 1101 Student Learning Outcomes

Develop a writing project through multiple drafts

Clearly and effectively communicate your ideas

Apply surface features of writing, correctly identifying patterns of errors


Reflect on your writing process through analysis of revision and drafting


ENC 1102 Student Learning Outcomes

Clearly and effectively communicate your ideas

Use key rhetorical concepts through analyzing and composing a variety of texts




Program Contact

Contact Dr. Bre Garrett

Director of Composition
Department of English, Building 50/207

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