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Funding Opportunities


近50%的研究生获得某种形式的经济援助. 仅去年一年,我们就发放了2300万美元的UWF研究生助学金、奖学金和贷款援助. We've also awarded $2.4 million in stipends and $2.3 million in tuition waivers to graduate assistants.

本页面将为您提供各种奖学金和其他资助机会的信息,提供给UWF研究生. We also have several waiver options we can offer you as well.


Student Loans

低息长期贷款是根据学生的经济需要或学费发放的. Types of loans include: Federal Perkins Loan, Federal Direct Loans, Federal Direct PLUS Loan for Graduate Students, and Alternative/Private Loans. 请浏览UWF财政援助网站,了解更多有关 types of loans available, financial aid forms, and steps to apply for aid.

For federal aid, submit your application as early as possible, but no earlier than January 1, 2019, on the Federal Student Aid website. FAFSA UWF Code = 003955.

Graduate Assistantships

Each academic year, 资金从研究生院分散出来,分配给各个研究生学术部门. 学术部门负责向表现优异的研究生颁发这些助教奖学金.

UWF Graduate Grant

The UWF Graduate Grant 助学金是由财政援助办公室颁发给有需要的研究生的吗. 奖学金金额由学术部门每学年(秋季和春季)为符合条件的学生确定。. 它适用于数量有限的攻读第一个研究生学位并全日制(6小时)学习研究生水平课程的研究生.

SGA Travel Fund

从事学术旅行的研究生可以通过学生自治会申请资助. 只要其他部门有相应的资金, individuals may request up to $700 per fiscal year, and groups of 3 or more may request up to $2,100 per fiscal year. See details on the SGA travel fund.

McNair Scholar

麦克奈尔学者网站列出了各种机构和组织, both private and governmental, that offer financial support for graduate study. 一些支持机会是“全额”研究奖学金, limited-duration research internships, 或者为一项特定的学术工作提供一定数量的资金. See the McNair Scholars website for each opportunity.

Additional Funding and Financial Resources

Graduate School Scholarship Search

Sallie Mae的一项新服务,允许当前和未来的研究生和专业学生寻找私人奖学金. 该搜索工具拥有超过85万份奖学金,总额达10亿美元.

Peterson's Scholarship Search Tool

可搜索的奖学金和助学金数据库,可供研究生学习.  可以过滤搜索以匹配包含关键字的选择, degree type, study type, deadlines, eligibility, and availability.

在线金融工具和资源,旨在帮助研究生做出明智的财务决策,他们的教育和未来的职业生涯. Based on data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 国家科学基金会和国家教育统计中心, was researched, 由研究生院理事会(CGS)与TIAA-CREF合作设计和开发. Along with median debt and income data, the website provides loan repayment advice, spending tips, and career guidance.

Academic Common Market

学术共同市场是一个为那些想攻读州内院校不提供学位的大学生提供的学费节省计划. 学生可以在提供学位课程的州外机构注册,并支付该机构的州内学费. More than 1,900 programs are available.

Graduate Funding Database (UCLA)

从625个奖学金、助学金、研究金和博士后奖项中搜索奖项. 免费搜索任何研究生课程的申请人, 完成硕士论文或博士论文的研究生, and to postdoc scholars.  Updated and maintained by UCLA.

Graduate Funding Database (Cornell)

Updated and maintained by Cornell University.


Monthly newsletter with scholarship, grant, 以及研究生的奖学金资助机会. Presented and maintained by University of Arizona.





Research Administration & Engagement Scholarship List

Student Opportunity Center

UWF currently subscribes to this service. 您需要创建一个登录并将自己与ag娱乐官网联系起来, but access to the resource is free.


Looking to streamline your funding search? GrantForward provides personalized recommendations, adaptive search features, and up-to-date results for all disciplines.  使用GrantForward的搜索过滤器,用户可以很容易地找到成千上万的赠款机会.


Repository of graduate funding databases. 由克利夫兰州立大学更新和维护.


学生和教师都有资格获得该奖项. 截止日期为10月21日至25日,具体取决于感兴趣的课程.

申请人必须自我证明他们有资格获得奖学金. To be eligible, 申请人必须在申请截止日期前符合以下所有资格标准:

  • Be a U.S. citizen, national, or permanent resident
  • 有意在符合条件的STEM或STEM教育研究领域注册或全日制注册研究型研究生学位课程(见附录和第四部分).3 for eligible Fields of Study)
  • Have never previously accepted a GRFP award
  • 如果先前提供GRFP奖项,则在截止日期前拒绝
  • 以前从未申请过GRFP,同时注册研究生学位课程
  • 从未在任何领域获得博士学位或最终学位
  • Have never earned a master's, professional, or bachelor's-master's degree in any field, 除非(i)在截止日期前连续中断两(2)年或更长时间后返回研究生学习, and; (ii) are not enrolled in a graduate degree program at the application deadline
  • Not be a current NSF employee